Set up police training system for 3 CPP, save rest for next turn. Replace lost infantry equipment et cetera (3 MPP) It will require an army that is well-educated and has a high degree of individual initiative, from the highest general down to the lowest soldier, but it will make for an army that can react quickly to unforeseen circumstances or events on the battlefield and exploit opportunities as they present themselves.' Put in simpler terms, instead of telling soldiers how to do their job in detail, mission-type tactics means telling soldiers what their job will be, and letting them work out the details for themselves. The core principle is that instead of giving subordinates detailed and specific orders from which they may not deviate, they are given broad directives along with an explanation of the intent and goal for the mission, then allowed to determine how to fulfill their mission on their own within those directives - or if need be, even exceeding them should it be necessary to fulfill the intent and achieve the goal. 'To begin with, I should probably clarify that it is not actually a type of tactics, but instead a form of leadership for the military overall.